April 20, 2021 | Journal

We are excited to announce we will be soon setting sail to Iceland.

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We are excited to announce we will be soon setting sail to Iceland.
From early June VARUNA and her crew will be welcoming guests to sail and explore the Icelandic shores, fauna and nature. From April 6, 2021, all travelers - regardless of origin - are welcome to visit Iceland if they can show either certificate of full vaccination against COVID or certificate of previous COVID infection. This prevents the requirement of quarantine altogether.

All other visitors arriving to Iceland shall be tested at the borders, quarantine for five days, and undergo a 2ndtest.
Please check our revised Calendar for departure dates and itineraries and do not hesitate to reach out by email or phone for booking and cancellation conditions, air travel alternatives, entry (including approved vaccines) and re-entry requirements, hotel and public transportation in the country.
This season, Svalbard will still remain an option subject to client requests and the lifting or review of current restrictions on foreign tourism. We will otherwise be delighted to keep exploring Iceland for the remainder of the summer.